What is available to you?
Our Nurse Clinician offer a wide range of services including:
- Asthma monitoring
- IHD (Ischaemic Heart Disease monitoring)
- Smears
- Diabetic monitoring
- Hypertension (high blood pressure) monitoring
- Smoking advice
- Dietary advice
- Cholesterol monitoring
- Family planning
- Holiday vaccinations and advice
- Childhood immunisations (if you wish to decline these immunisations download the Immunisation Decline Form (109KB, DOCX))
- General health education
- Blood tests
We also have a ECG machine on site which takes a trace of your heart function.
NHS Screening Programmes - Information for trans people
Information leaflet about the NHS population screening programmes available to transgender and non-binary people in England.
Family Planning
The practice offers the fitting and removal of coils and the insertion and removal of Implanon.
Support for ex-Armed Forces personnel at Veterans in Mind Cheshire and Merseyside

Veterans in Mind
To refer yourself to this service, please contact single point of access on 0151 908 0019
Alternatively complete the online referral form via www.gmmh.nhs.uk/military-veterans-services
The service delivers specialist, high quality, and effective clinical treatment to veterans who suffer from ongoing psychological issues, resulting from their time as a serving member of the armed forces.
The established staff team has developed expertise in working with military service related psychological difficulties, giving us the right skills and knowledge to work effectively with our service users. Types of psychological difficulties can include trauma related problems; various anxiety based problems; substance misuse; problems with self-management, including anger; depression and problems related to adjusting to civilian life after military service.
They also provide the necessary links to support veterans and their families with housing, financial and social needs. They do this by working in partnership with local Veterans’ agencies, who can offer a range of service users, from increasing social networks, to linking in with other services that may be useful, promoting long-term recovery.
Warrington And Halton Sexual Health Service
For Commissioning queries; please contact Simon (Halton) or Julia (Warrington)
- Simon Bell; Public Health Commissioning Manager and Programme Lead for Sexual Health, Substance Misuse and 0 to 19 Services simon.bell@halton.gov.uk
- Julia Carter; Health Improvement Specialist / Healthy Child Programme 0-19 Services & Sexual Health Commissioner julia.carter@warrington.gov.uk
For operational and clinical information; please contact:
- Sian Davies; Service Manager, Warrington and Halton Sexual Health, Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust sian.davies17@nhs.net
- Dona McManus; Lead Nurse, Warrington and Halton Sexual Health, Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust dona.mcmanus1@nhs.net
Service: Axess Sexual Health Service
Provider: Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
AXESS Sexual Health is the free contraception and sexual health service for Halton and Warrington.
The service offers a wide range of confidential services, including STI testing, treatment, contraception (including long-acting and emergency), pregnancy testing, PEP, and specialist young people’s services.
- Postal STI testing and postal treatment www.axess.clinic/order-a-test
Postal STI testing and treatment service offered through the digital partner SH:24.
- Postal contraception: www.axess.clinic/order-contraceptionBoth the progesterone-only-pill (POP) and the combined oral contraceptive (COC) pill are available. A quick, confidential assessment will make sure this method of contraception is right for you.
- Postal emergency contraception: www.axess.clinic/order-contraception
Users can use the service finder to locate a pharmacy near to them for EHC. Please also see the Pharmacy information below.
- Condoms – will be available by post soon via the website link www.axess.clinic/order-contraception
Due to the on-going COVID-19 outbreak in the UK Warrington and Halton Sexual Health Service has restricted face-to-face consultations. For Clinic locations please refer users to website for operational hours.
We have introduced a book on the day arrangement for patients requiring appointments. The Axess 0300 323 1300 number is in operation from 9.00am Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Patients calling are triaged to an appropriate service / appointment.
Clinical consultations
Patients assessed as requiring a clinical face to face appointment are given on the day allocated appointment slots. Initially these will be during the afternoon, but will include evenings as demand increases.
Patients assessed as requiring oral medication are asked to collect at an allotted time, or alternatively offered medication by post.
Those patients choosing to walk-into clinic will be managed appropriately according to Covid safe guidelines and triaged against the pathway.
Online services
Patients requiring the following:
- Full STI screen and treatment for those with no symptoms
- Level 1 contraception and emergency contraception
- Condoms
Can access postal services via the Axess website: www.axess.clinic
Plans – June onwards
- Future transition of delivery is being scoped post lockdown. Clinic plans are being written to accommodate increasing demand but will be managed against new innovative systems and processes introduced during Covid.
- Triage and bookable appointments will enable the service to maintain safe environments for staff and patients.
- We plan to roll out the next phase on 15th June 2020. Please access our website for updates or changes to current service delivery.
- The will be a presentation on the restoration offer for Sexual Health Services 12.30pm to 1.30pm on the 15th July for Primary Care colleagues across Halton and Warrington; as part of the CCG primary care update.
Tel: 0300 323 1300